Human trafficking has become a worldwide epidemic that plagues every continent, including North America. Posing as sympathetic paternal figures, successful businessmen, or wise religious leaders, trafficking rings target young children and their families by promising wealth and a new life. As their victims blindly follow, they find themselves trapped in a life of hard labor, forced prostitution, and/or physical abuse.

Using the PricelessCube, you can join e3 Partners in educating at-risk communities about the dangers and practices of these traffickers. As a part of our Community Transformation initiative, we then help churches identify sustainable solutions to stimulate the local economy and reduce the desperation that leads to human trafficking.

Gardner Family on Mission

Organized by e3 Partners

“God’s work done in God’s way
will never lack God’s supply.” -Hudson Taylor

We are the Gardner family and we're excited you are here! If you would like to know more about us & the mission God has called our family to, click here so we can stay in touch! We are a family on a mission to make Jesus’ name great among all people. We equip local believers to take responsibility to live a Great Commission lifestyle — engaging the least reached in the city with the love of Christ & the gospel, making disciples that multiply, teaching them to reach their friends and family, gather into healthy churches, and establish a pipeline of laborers from the U.S. to the nations. 

We invite you to partner with us:

1. In Prayer - We invite you to join our prayer team by emailing us. We provide regular updates as we pray together toward the completion of God's mission to the nations.  

2. Monthly Giving - We invite you to join our support team to help us steward the experience we gained training everyday ordinary people how to abide in Christ and multiply disciples, churches, and leaders.  (Simply click the green button on this page) 

3. Join Us in the Work - As we complete the support team building phase, we will continue equipping disciples and leaders to join us on the frontlines of God's mission through modeling, coaching, and training.

Through your financial support, you become a part of everything God does through me.  YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!  

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Days to Go