Human trafficking has become a worldwide epidemic that plagues every continent, including North America. Posing as sympathetic paternal figures, successful businessmen, or wise religious leaders, trafficking rings target young children and their families by promising wealth and a new life. As their victims blindly follow, they find themselves trapped in a life of hard labor, forced prostitution, and/or physical abuse.

Using the PricelessCube, you can join e3 Partners in educating at-risk communities about the dangers and practices of these traffickers. As a part of our Community Transformation initiative, we then help churches identify sustainable solutions to stimulate the local economy and reduce the desperation that leads to human trafficking.

Mike Jorgensen Support Team

Organized by Mike Jorgensen

Thanks to everyone who has supported Mike and Woodlyn's ministry these past 32 years at e3 Partners / I Am Second. You make it possible for them to do what they do, and you share in the spiritual fruit that results.

After serving in many capacities with e3 Partners and I Am Second, Mike now serves as e3's Director of Global Migration Initiatives. 

Mike and Woodlyn are blessed with three married kids and ten delightful grandkids!

Thanks for supporting their ministry with e3 Partners / I Am Second. Your support enables them to help people encounter Jesus in unexpected places. 

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