Human trafficking has become a worldwide epidemic that plagues every continent, including North America. Posing as sympathetic paternal figures, successful businessmen, or wise religious leaders, trafficking rings target young children and their families by promising wealth and a new life. As their victims blindly follow, they find themselves trapped in a life of hard labor, forced prostitution, and/or physical abuse.

Using the PricelessCube, you can join e3 Partners in educating at-risk communities about the dangers and practices of these traffickers. As a part of our Community Transformation initiative, we then help churches identify sustainable solutions to stimulate the local economy and reduce the desperation that leads to human trafficking.

Chad Tabor Family - Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Chad Tabor

Welcome to the page for the Tabor Family Ministry with e3 Partners. We have served with e3 for over a decade focusing on making disciples that make disciples among the least reached of this world through tools like sports, training, and whatever God opens up.  We have also teamed up recently to offer extreme trips to special locations through the organization 'Venture Off'.

We would be excited if you would like to join us on this adventure! We have quarterly updates and field prayer updates throughout the year. If you would like to be on our list to receive those, please email me at

If you would like to partner with this ministry financially, please click on the donate the button on the upper-right part of this page and join the team!

Please continue to pray for the many trips we have going out each year as to how God may use us in His Kingdom work around the world.

Until all the nets are full!
Chad for the Family 

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go