E3 Colombia is a movement to advance God’s kingdom, through the equipping of Colombian church leaders and Christians, with biblical, simple, transferable tools and models, which are designed to motivate local churches to preach the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ by starting and establishing new churches across the country.

On Expedition


“The gospel is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16b).  You will see the truth of this verse spring to a fresh level in Colombia! Our team members are experiencing a tremendous openness among many Colombians to spiritual things and in particular to the gospel of Christ. In fact, evangelism constitutes the main focus of our North American Team members as we minister side-by-side with our Colombian brothers and sisters in Christ.  Excellent translators use their talents to work with our teams to enable us to share our personal testimony and the gospel of Jesus Christ with men, women, young people and children.  On every expedition the host pastors and churches target multiple communities for the important work of evangelism, discipleship and church establishing.


After leading people to personal faith in Jesus Christ our intention is to begin gathering them together with other Christians in their community.  Each afternoon of the expedition we invite new believers to come to the church planting mission site in the community.  The approach is not to host a tradition church service, but rather to use Yo Soy Segundo discipleship small groups to help people learn to interact with the written Word of God in the format of simple discussions.  Six basic questions are used to facilitate discussions around different bible passages.  It is important to realize that for many of the new believers, this could be the first time they are reading and interacting with the bible in such a manner.  The goal is to help develop personal relationships around the Word and spiritual things in the community to help start and/or strengthen the church.


The word ‘church’ can be loaded with many different images and meanings depending upon your experience.  In Colombia, we learn to think of church in a new way.  And quite frankly this means ‘church’ that is more aligned and reflective of the days of the early New Testament.  We are not talking about buildings that draw large numbers of people from a region who come by cars.  We are more often talking about simple churches, meeting in homes and halls, consisting of people who gather from reasonable walking distance!  You might call it ‘simple church’.  Our purpose is not only to ‘plant or start’ churches – our purpose is to ‘establish’ communities of believers in Jesus Christ.  Establishing means to help the church to be stable in their love for God, doctrine and leadership; and mobile in their outreach to impact their community as the light and salt of Jesus.


Equipping Colombian pastors and church leaders who are called of God into mentoring relationships for the purpose of establishing and multiplying healthy churches, which are purposed to be transformational in their communities.  Our ultimate prayer, and purpose, is help fuel a church establishing movement that God will ignite to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ across the country of Colombia and beyond. While running short term mission trips for North Americans is a core dimension of our approach and model, these trips are not an end in themselves. The trips are deployed with strategic intention to catalyze the Colombian churches for Great Commission mobilization.  The ultimate purpose is to influence churches with an outreach orientation for establishing multiplying local churches.



The Mentor Network is the main delivery model for equipping and mentoring.

The Network consists of 12 monthly modules, which address the basic dimensions of a healthy church with the purpose of multiplying churches.  Health for the individual disciple and church becomes sustainable by embracing obedience to Biblical Stability (Great Commandment) and Biblical Mobility (Great Commission). Supplemental training modules dig deeper into Healthy Groups, Healthy Word, Healthy Marriage and Healthy Community Transformation.

Over this past year we have interviewed many Colombian pastors and leaders concerning their opinion of the benefits from participating in the Mentor Network.  Their responses have been consistent and encouraging. Words and phrases like: ‘Efficient; Practical; Provides specific support; We don’t feel alone; Mentoring; Guidance; Useful tools’ and more. One pastor said, “I soak it up like a sponge.”

The E3 Colombia Mentor Network is currently in the best position it has ever enjoyed for multiplying growth. Our ultimate prayer and purpose is to be part of a church establishing movement that God will ignite across the country of Colombia and beyond! Over the past several years we have witnessed God building the network dimensions and bringing the right people to lead it.  We are humbled, and thank God for the challenge and opportunity in our generation.


Many Colombian churches are caught in a traditional model of local church ministry, which centers the church firmly ‘inside the walls’.  The church is ‘in’ their community, but not intentionally ‘engaging’ the community. There is little to no vision for reaching out to evangelize, disciple and start more churches.  The Mentor Network specifically addresses such fundamental struggles and lifts spiritual leaders and their churches to embrace in a fresh way the Great Commandments (Love God & Love Your Neighbor) and the Great Commission (Make Disciples).

Bi-vocational leaders, who have no formal training, often lead churches in Colombia.  E3 Colombia’s Mentor Network meets this dramatic need to equip such Colombian church leaders to understand Biblically healthy church.  Network churches grow as light and salt in their communities pursuing spiritual impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ and social impact to meet relevant community needs.  The vision and practical path to multiply disciples and churches becomes intentional as never before.  Another stark reality is the lack of training on how to correctly handle the Word of God in interpretation and communication of sound doctrine. The Mentor Network provides equipping in Healthy Word, which teaches basic hermeneutical principles for correctly handling the Word of Truth.


Over the last few years, the ministry of e3 Colombia has accelerated with the birth of the Mentor Network.  Intentionality, ownership and urgency have taken hold!  In His providential timing, God has been sending the right people to lead the Network and to develop the content, which has lifted it to a scalable posture.  The opportunity to establish new Networks across the country and maintain the current Networks is ripe.  There are hundreds of churches across Colombia in small cities and towns who are hungry for Biblical, simple, useful tools and models which can establish them which both stability and mobility as the body of Christ.

Mentor Network

Healthy Church Modules

12 monthly modules address the basic dimensions of healthy church.

The goal is to develop sustainable churches that possess a balance in stability and mobility.

Sustainability = Stability + Mobility / Yielding Multiplying Churches

12 Monthly Module Topics:

  1. Expansion 2020 Introduction / Mentor Network Covenant / 4-Fields
  2. Evangelism / 4-Fields
  3. I am Second discipleship groups / 4-Fields
  4. Community Transformation – Introduction
  5. Discipleship / 4-Fields
  6. Understanding & Communicating the Bible
  7. Leadership / 4-Fields
  8. Vital Functions of the Church-part 1: Proclamation/Teaching/Service/Fellowship/Worship
  9. Vital Elements of the Church-part 2:

Vision /Ministry/Leadership/Resources/Real Application

  1. Marital Prayer / Just Say The Word
  2. Spiritual Disciplines
  3. Church Administration

HEALTHY WORD – Understanding and Communicating the Bible

It is foundational for pastors and leaders to handle accurately the Word of Truth in shepherding the flock of God.  Healthy Word is focused training leaders in basic Biblical interpretative principles to help them learn how to better understand and communicate the Bible with clarity and accuracy.

Tool: Understanding and Communicating the Bible – training principle mentors in Jonah (O.T.) and 2 Timothy (N.T.) with 8 key interpretive principles.  These seminars are being currently developed and initially integrated to the Network with the leadership of North Hills Community Church and Leadership Resources.

HEALTHY MARRIAGE – Just Say the Word (ie. Solo Ora Con La Palabra)

A healthy marriage is the core of the family; and healthy families are central to the church. Solo Ora Con La Palabra is a message and model calling Christian husbands to pray more intentionally and more regularly with their wives using the Bible as a guide for their prayers.

Tool: Solo Ora Con La Palabra is the Spanish translation of Sam Ingrassia’s book ‘Just Say The Word’. We are intentionally providing this tool to the Mentor Network pastors and leaders. We are also bringing this tool to Colombian national awareness through the official endorsement of CEDECOL (Confederation of Evangelicals in Colombia).

HEALTHY DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS – Yo Soy Segundo (I am Second)  

Calling Christians to live radical lives under the priority and primacy of God’s command to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. I am Second is a small groups model to train for intentional evangelism, basic discipleship, conserving the harvest, and new church establishing.

Tool:  E3 Partners 4-Fields Training manual (Disciples Making Disciples) and Yo Soy Segundo Training materials are used to equip believers in an intentional and personal path for participating in disciple making ministry.

4-Fields Disciple Making & Church Planting Approach:

Field 1: Empty Field – Start with Friends and Family / House of Peace / Go & Pray

Field 2: Seeded Field – Sow the Reproducing Gospel

Field 3. Growing Field – Multiply Disciples in Small Groups

Field 4: Harvest Field – Become a Church

HEALTHY COMMUNITY – Community Transformation

Built upon Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbor’ local churches are awakened to engage their local communities with relevant projects to enhance the dignity and development of the community and its people.  The church is called to functionally serve its community as salt and light from God. The church is not an organization designed to escape the community, but an organism designed to mobilize for engaging and impacting its community.
Tool: The Nehemiah Seminar provides guidance for local church leaders to identify, plan and mobilize for serving their communities with the love of God through relevant and meaningful projects using local assets.


“I am thankful for the special blessing of personally seeing God’s grace and power through my association with e3 Colombia over the past 2-3 years.  It’s amazing to think back a few years ago and see what God has done in our church, in e3 Partners, in Colombia and in me.  I am very humbled when I think of how God connected us all and continues to connect others for His work all over the world and for His glory.  It’s an amazing thing to be used by God for His good purposes.”

-Pastor Joel Taylor, North Hills Community Church

“I am very pleased with our partnership with E3 Colombia.  I could hardly imagine being more satisfied with the way this is going.  I am doing everything in my power to get the word out about what a fruitful ministry this is — through videos, print, personal connections, etc.  I am really praying God will give us at least 30 trip participants next year.

It has been such a blessing and I thank God again for His providence in bringing us together His kingdom purposes.  I look forward to a great year!”

-Pastor Allan Sherer,North Hills Community Church

“As for me coming home was a very interesting experience. Being with my family and sharing the experiences I had was awesome. Going back to work was a little different. I kept thinking about Ecclesiastes and how everything under the sun is meaningless compared to God.  I have been telling everyone about our experience. Coworkers. The youth pastor I serve under at church and friends from other churches. I even tell people to dare me to go talk to a perfect stranger about Jesus, because I will and want to. They think I’m joking; I’m not! There are plenty of people there who know some of pieces of the puzzle of the gospel, but are never the less lost.”

-Andrew Cardoni

“I am still pondering what God accomplished in many Colombian’s and our own lives this past week and trying to look for opportunities to share here at home! Pray for me if you can! My testimony summed up would be that I had shared the gospel some before going on the Cali trip, but never to the extent and with the depth that I shared there. I made an effort to see people through God’s eyes as lost and hurting souls before the trip, but God is really changing my life because now I am more comfortable with sharing the gospel and I enjoy doing it now and leading lost souls to the Lord! God showed me in Cali that He is doing a wondrous work of drawing souls to Him and, as His followers, we have the privilege to witness that. Press on for the gospel!”

-Seth Franseen

“I thoroughly enjoyed this recent trip to Colombia with E3 Partners.  It changes you and I hope to go on many more and soon. Just as scripture is written to change us and not for us to use as a stick to try and change others, so this trip was for me and may of the others. God uses it to change us probably more so than changing others.  Life is backwards and so is scripture. Jesus said, “For I did not come to be served but to serve”, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first” and the list goes on and on. So it is when you go on a mission trip!  You go to help and be obedient, and you end up being helped. Life is actually real when you are there and coming home to all the “stuff” and “religion” is difficult.”

-Tim Key

“It really is a blessing to be able to come on these expeditions and to be used by God, and to see what the Lord is doing in Colombia.  Just wanted to say your teaching in the mornings stay with me even after the campaigns are over.  They are so filled with God’s truth and I often think of the things you taught on and I learn a lot from it.   It was a great week – Praise the Lord!  I hope I can come again in the future if that’s what the Lord wants me to do.”

-Ryan Kaplysh

“This expedition to Colombia changed my life. I learned more about how God is so good and faithful, worthy of trust, and that my matured faith in Him will allow me to trust Him more because of this trip.”

-Morgan Burklow

“I was very blessed spending a week with the people from Bogota, and seeing such an open response to the Gospel message had a great impact on my life.  Shortly after we returned from Bogota Colombia I was able to speak to our congregation about the trip and tell them how God changed my heart prior to going.

I had put together a list of my top ten reasons why I WAS NOT going to Bogota:

  1.  It costs too much;
  2. I don’t speak Spanish;
  3. It’s too hot;
  4. I’m too busy doing God’s work here;
  5. I’m too old;
  6. I’ll get killed by a drug dealer;
  7. They don’t like Americans;
  8. They won’t listen to me;
  9. I’ll probably die eating the food and/or drinking the water;
  10. That funky little EvangeCube will never work.

Great reasons not to go, right?  

So then I proceeded to tell our congregation that I shared the gospel with over 100 people and that at least 87 (I have each of their names) of them made a profession of faith in Jessu Christ.  The Holy Spirit preceded me and He prepared the hearts of those that I talked to. The rest is history.  All of my reasons for not going were invalid, and I was blessed beyond measure.  That Sunday after our church service, several people came up to me with tears in their eyes, saying sign me up for next year.  HALLELUJAH!!!

For the next couple of months I met over 25 people to personally invite them to go back to Bogota with me . . . 22 agreed.  PRAISE THE LORD!

Sorry to ramble on, but I am still excited.  When I reflect back on the faces of some of the people that I met, it brings tears of joy to my eyes.”

-Director of Church Ministries Fred Walker, Perry Hall Baptist Church

Sam Ingrassia

Strategy Director

Bernando Gonzalez

National Director

Jason Morris

Assistant Strategy Director

Jeff Thompson

Coffee District Coordinator

Ashleigh York

Church Planting Coordinator


There are no prayers for Colombia at this time


There is no news for Colombia at this time

Mike and Mary Wagner's Personal Support Page

Organized by Mike Wagner

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our aith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2

Is there such a thing as a senior missionary? We reckon it’s so as we’ve reached an age - when, how we’ve been able to strive, and where we’ve been able to thrive in the past has become increasingly problematic - though our passion and desire to trust and obey all Jesus commanded remains! 

As God’s adopted children, we love God, we love God’s family, and we love the whosoever’s He is calling to Himself. And as missionaries with e3 Partners Ministry since the late 1990's, we love serving Christ’s church, albeit, in deeply varied ways.

Initially, late 1990’s onwards, for almost ten (10) years our primary church planting ministry focus was both in South America (mainly Costa Rica) and in Russia. Later, as focus within the e3 Partners ministry began to change and evolve, e3 church planting missionaries (like ourselves) were encouraged to both facilitate “kingdom growth” beyond our taking short-term mission teams internationally and simple church planting (addition methodology). E3 Partners’ leadership began exhorting us to seek “in country” partnerships with our training and short-term teams modeling what Jesus modeled when on earth (MAWL) towards the hope that GOD-sized church planting movements begin indigenously (multiplicative methodology).

Look to Jesus! Follow Jesus! Rely upon the Holy Spirit! Go to where “God’s kingdom is not”, training and teaching those mission teams we lead to also train and teach by modeling, assisting, watching, lettering back (MAWL) what we’ve seen Jesus teach and model! In our souls we now deemed it most important to do the needful in reaching the hard to reach, the unengaged, the unreconciled, the troubled … peoples and tribes of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this, God now led us to primarily focus exclusively upon two (2) areas of the world: the "Horn of Africa" and the Asian sub-continent called “India".

The Horn of Africa, for us, meant focusing our church planting efforts in troubled Rwanda, a country torn apart by tribal genocide. Oh, how GOD worked in Rwanda! He invited us to join Him as He then favored our ministry there - 2005 to 2016 - as we saw 100’s, even 10’s of 100’s, of new churches planted … with Rwandans from every tribe making professions of faith before we sensed our church planting ministry there was completed; in that by 2016, God had raised up both incredibly gifted Rwandan Christian leaders and an impassioned e3 Community Transformation leadership team to carry on in Rwanda. 

India's mission went differently for us.  We heard and considered an e3 India Strategy Leader’s invitation to minister there beginning in 2004-2005. As we prayed, we learned India had over 5000 people groups or tribes, unreached and/or unengaged - almost one (1) billion people - a billion men, women, and children who’d never heard the name of Jesus!  Now traveling to India and experiencing this unimaginable lostness ... chaos seemingly everywhere ... we heard from the Lord to begin working there with the Banjara church (located in south central India) in hopes of reaching an unreached tribal group of 40 million people called the Banjara Gypsy. The next few years, while splitting our efforts between Rwanda, Africa and India, ministry to the Banjara tribal group led to a series of “run, stop, run, step back, walk, caution, …” all glory to God yet “traction” never quite realized.  

In 2011 God redirected (?!?) and ministry plans changed! A series of events led to our first assisting another e3 expedition team who’d canceled their plans to travel in another country now considered “too dangerous”. Needing a new location, they asked us if anyone could help them which led to our offering them a location we’d already prepared to receive our own e3 team … but later in the year. Now scrambling to find a site for our own team (expedition), we were offered a new ministry location which we subsequently accepted in the India state of Maharashtra with entirely different unreached people groups and an entirely different network of churches.

God, ever faithful, now orchestrated we now be introduced to a small church network of 14 churches comprised of about 1500 men and women who dreamed of reaching their surrounding villages and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fervent prayer warriors, blessed with biblical vision and faithfulness, these men and women were open to receiving, what was for them, new methodologies and trainings on how they might expand God’s kingdom. Together, we evangelized and discipled new believers according to what the Bible commanded and an e3 Partners' India strategy of multiplying churches through building coalitions. Over the next few years, it was evident that our LORD God had birthed a God-sized, church planting movement - to God be all the glory!

And the fruitful work in this part of India (now called the MSR) continues today but in 9 states rather than one. The strategy remains very much the same although e3 USA strategy leadership has changed so let’s update what’s gone on since late 2020 … what mission’s ministry looks like for Mary and I in 2023 … 

Since late 2020, I’ve (Mike) stepped away from fulltime MSR strategy and trip leadership; albeit, continuing to serve the MSR church planting movement in a number of small ways. Additionally, I have served as an occasional participant/trainer on 2021-23 virtual mission trips and am currently signed up to travel and participate on two (2) trips to India this November. Moreover, in 2020 I became actively involved with another e3 Partners Ministry (briefly mentioned earlier) mission called I Am Second (IAS).

Working a reduced work schedule, I minister as a voluntary coach for IAS as a responder, a discipleship facilitator, and as an IAS New Testament distributor. As a responder, this consists of my being asked to respond to those who request (through the I Am Second website) someone to talk to regarding their relationship (or lack of relationship) with Jesus Christ, their lack of discipleship, their lack of someone to talk to about Jesus, and/or their desire for fellowship with other Christians. This role often leads one to form and facilitate new I Am Second bible fellowships (or add inquirers to existing zoom and live fellowships) using discipleship methods used while on the field in discipleship themes such as Stories of Hope, Commands of Christ, studying through a gospel together, etc. Finally, as a distributor, I’ve been tasked to emphasize the “IAS discipleship opportunity” via the distribution of free IAS NTs (QR tagged) by installing and replenishing IAS New Testaments displays at varying distribution points in North Alabama.

During this period, Mary has actually increased her e3 mission activities! With the MSR strategy remaining very much the same, the e3 USA strategy leadership has changed. Today Mary Wagner oversees the North American e3 work in the MSR as one of two MSR e3 Strategy Coordinators working alongside our Indian partners to reach their population of over 500 million men, women, and children of 1000+ unreached and unengaged people groups. This she does while doing all she has always done!!! And in addition to her e3 MSR activities, Mary also serves as an IAS Second coach fielding I Am Second (IAS) gender specific requests for discipleship.

Thank you for the countless ways you have come alongside us for so many years! We move forward in faith, trusting the Lord to sustain us until we are called home!

 Mike and Mary

  • An Updated Past and Present Review of M&M's e3 Ministry!

    Posted a week ago

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2

    Is there such a thing as a senior missionary? We reckon it’s so as we’ve reached an age - when, how we’ve been able to strive, and where we’ve been able to thrive in the past has become increasingly problematic - though our passion and desire to trust and obey all Jesus commanded remains! 

    As God’s adopted children, we love God, we love God’s family, and we love the whosoever’s He is calling to Himself. And as missionaries with e3 Partners Ministry since the late 1990's, we love serving Christ’s church, albeit, in deeply varied ways.

    Initially, late 1990’s onwards, for almost ten (10) years our primary church planting ministry focus was both in South America (mainly Costa Rica) and in Russia. Later, as focus within the e3 Partners ministry began to change and evolve, e3 church planting missionaries (like ourselves) were encouraged to both facilitate “kingdom growth” beyond our taking short-term mission teams internationally and simple church planting (addition methodology). E3 Partners’ leadership began exhorting us to seek “in country” partnerships with our training and short-term teams modeling what Jesus modeled when on earth (MAWL) towards the hope that GOD-sized church planting movements begin indigenously (multiplicative methodology).

    Look to Jesus! Follow Jesus! Rely upon the Holy Spirit! Go to where “God’s kingdom is not”, training and teaching those mission teams we lead to also train and teach by modeling, assisting, watching, lettering back (MAWL) what we’ve seen Jesus teach and model! In our souls we now deemed it most important to do the needful in reaching the hard to reach, the unengaged, the unreconciled, the troubled … peoples and tribes of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this, God now led us to primarily focus exclusively upon two (2) areas of the world: the "Horn of Africa" and the Asian sub-continent called “India".

    The Horn of Africa, for us, meant focusing our church planting efforts in troubled Rwanda, a country torn apart by tribal genocide. Oh, how GOD worked in Rwanda! He invited us to join Him as He then favored our ministry there - 2005 to 2016 - as we saw 100’s, even 10’s of 100’s, of new churches planted … with Rwandans from every tribe making professions of faith before we sensed our church planting ministry there was completed; in that by 2016, God had raised up both incredibly gifted Rwandan Christian leaders and an impassioned e3 Community Transformation leadership team to carry on in Rwanda.

    India's mission went differently for us.  We heard and considered an e3 India Strategy Leader’s invitation to minister there beginning in 2004-2005. As we prayed, we learned India had over 5000 people groups or tribes, unreached and/or unengaged - almost one (1) billion people - a billion men, women, and children who’d never heard the name of Jesus!  Now traveling to India and experiencing this unimaginable lostness ... chaos seemingly everywhere ... we heard from the Lord to begin working there with the Banjara church (located in south central India) in hopes of reaching an unreached tribal group of 40 million people called the Banjara Gypsy. The next few years, while splitting our efforts between Rwanda, Africa and India, ministry to the Banjara tribal group led to a series of “run, stop, run, step back, walk, caution, …” all glory to God yet “traction” never quite realized.  

    In 2011 God redirected (?!?) and ministry plans changed! A series of events led to our first assisting another e3 expedition team who’d canceled their plans to travel in another country now considered “too dangerous”. Needing a new location, they asked us if anyone could help them which led to our offering them a location we’d already prepared to receive our own e3 team … but later in the year. Now scrambling to find a site for our own team (expedition), we were offered a new ministry location which we subsequently accepted in the India state of Maharashtra with entirely different unreached people groups and an entirely different network of churches.

    God, ever faithful, now orchestrated we now be introduced to a small church network of 14 churches comprised of about 1500 men and women who dreamed of reaching their surrounding villages and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fervent prayer warriors, blessed with biblical vision and faithfulness, these men and women were open to receiving, what was for them, new methodologies and trainings on how they might expand God’s kingdom. Together, we evangelized and discipled new believers according to what the Bible commanded and an e3 Partners' India strategy of multiplying churches through building coalitions. Over the next few years, it was evident that our LORD God had birthed a God-sized, church planting movement - to God be all the glory!

    And the fruitful work in this part of India (now called the MSR) continues today but in 9 states rather than one. The strategy remains very much the same although e3 USA strategy leadership has changed so let’s update what’s gone on since late 2020 … what mission’s ministry looks like for Mary and I in 2023 …

    Since late 2020, I’ve (Mike) stepped away from fulltime MSR strategy and trip leadership; albeit, continuing to serve the MSR church planting movement in a number of small ways. Additionally, I have served as an occasional participant/trainer on 2021-23 virtual mission trips and am currently signed up to travel and participate on two (2) trips to India this November. Moreover, in 2020 I became actively involved with another e3 Partners Ministry (briefly mentioned earlier) mission called I Am Second (IAS).

    Working a reduced work schedule, I minister as a voluntary coach for IAS as a responder, a discipleship facilitator, and as an IAS New Testament distributor. As a responder, this consists of my being asked to respond to those who request (through the I Am Second website) someone to talk to regarding their relationship (or lack of relationship) with Jesus Christ, their lack of discipleship, their lack of someone to talk to about Jesus, and/or their desire for fellowship with other Christians. This role often leads one to form and facilitate new I Am Second bible fellowships (or add inquirers to existing zoom and live fellowships) using discipleship methods used while on the field in discipleship themes such as Stories of Hope, Commands of Christ, studying through a gospel together, etc. Finally, as a distributor, I’ve been tasked to emphasize the “IAS discipleship opportunity” via the distribution of free IAS NTs (QR tagged) by installing and replenishing IAS New Testaments displays at varying distribution points in North Alabama.

    During this period, Mary has actually increased her e3 mission activities! With the MSR strategy remaining very much the same, the e3 USA strategy leadership has changed. Today Mary Wagner oversees the North American e3 work in the MSR as one of two MSR e3 Strategy Coordinators working alongside our Indian partners to reach their population of over 500 million men, women, and children of 1000+ unreached and unengaged people groups. This she does while doing all she has always done!!! And in addition to her e3 MSR activities, Mary also serves as an IAS Second coach fielding I Am Second (IAS) gender specific requests for discipleship.

    Thank you for the countless ways you have come alongside us for so many years! We move forward in faith, trusting the Lord to sustain us until we are called home!

    Mike and Mary

    Posted by:
    Mary Wagner

    Read More
  • Happy New Year!

    Posted a week ago

    Happy New Year!

    2021 is coming to a close and we want to say thank you for partnering with us! God is at work, despite the difficult times we live in. 

    2022 is full of plans to go virtually and in person to India. Thank you for praying with us as we move forward in faith. trusting God in everything!

    May we commit our plans to the LORD; trust in Him, and trust that He will do it. (Psalm 37:5)

    Please let us know how we can pray specifically for you in 2022.

    Blessings and love from Mike and Mary!

    Posted by:
    Mary Wagner

    Read More
  • Quick Update!

    Posted a week ago


    We have finally updated this page and wanted to share it with you!

    As you know, it's the aim of the Indian government to eliminate Christians and make it a Hindu nation. With the re-election of Prime Minister Modi, the intensity to achieve that goal has escalated.

    Because our goal is to advance GOD'S kingdom, we know the teams that "go" are a threat to the enemy and he will send out his demonic assassins to destroy us, sometimes silently without even realizing what is happening until it’s too late, if God does not intervene. We are thankful that God was with our team and He answered our prayers. Even if the outcome had been different, we know that He was with us and we are forever grateful!

    Due to the quick exit in July, we had to postpone the Women's Conference and cancel the third summer expedition team. It was disappointing for everyone, but we know God's ways are MUCH higher than our ways!

    God has worked it out for a team of three women to travel back to India on September 21st for the Women's Conference.  Please pray for the women that had to reschedule. It's not an easy task in India to arrange childcare, meals and transportation to a conference. Our prayer is that every woman scheduled to attend in July will be there in September! We will be sending a prayer calendar through the MSR prayer team soon. If you are not receiving the updates, please CLICK HERE to sign up.

    We are grateful for you ... our supporters and prayer warriors. Thank you for all you do to help advance God's Kingdom!

    Mike and Mary

    Posted by:
    Mary Wagner

    Read More
  • God's Grace and Marcy!

    Posted a week ago


    With everything that is happening here and around the world, our mission is now more critical than ever! There is only one solution ... Jesus Christ!

    God always gives us reason to celebrate! We want to share some recent events in our lives that we are CELEBRATING God’s grace and mercy!

    God’s grace and mercy ... we bought a house! We have been renting a two-story townhouse from Mike’s brother for 13 years. We had a moving deadline of December, 2017 and God quickly provided us a one story home that wasn’t even for sale! Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” That about sums it up!

    How were we able to buy a house? We tried for years to purchase term (new) life insurance in order to be able to cancel old policies that had built up cash value. But life insurance companies rated us “poor risks” because of our life’s ministry and because of the dangerous places we travel to … Yet in God’s perfect timing, when Mike and I decided to both apply again for term life insurance, we found open doors! We were both not only approved but at extremely reasonable rates! With the freed up insurance cash and with a gift from Mike’s mother and the insurance cash, we were able to make a solid down payment on the house that enabled our purchasing the house with payments being even lower than our years of rent payments! Many of you have faithfully supported us financially and we thank you for your part in our being able to purchase a single story home! Thank you!

    We look forward to the new ministry God has in store for us in our new neighborhood. Our new address is 103 Crystal Pond Ct. / Madison, AL 35757

    God’s grace and mercy ... I (Mary) was traveling 65 miles per hour during rush hour on I-565 when a car entering the highway decided to move directly into the lane I occupied. The impact caused my car to “totter” and pushed me into the next lane. I remember looking in my rear view mirror and seeing a multitude of cars behind me as I tried to gain control and not flip over! I ended up about a quarter of a mile down the highway from the initial impact. I ran to the car that hit me and found a woman with THREE BABIES IN THE BACK SEAT. I immediately praised the Lord and gave the woman a hug. I have never been an amusement park kind of girl ... my experience was not exhilarating, but an opportunity to thank Him for everyone’s safety and a reminder to thank God for His grace and mercy! My car is totaled, but God has already promised us a “new” car!

    We are in the process of training 4 teams for India. Our trips are in November, December, January and February. We are thankful for each team member as we focus on spiritual preparation and spiritual warfare!

    Thank you all for your love, support and prayers. This has been a difficult year with many changes, but we know that God is in control!!!


    Mike and Mary

    Posted by:
    Mary Wagner

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