e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout the Czech Republic. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.
We are currently serving the people of the Czech Republic with the following initiatives. Church Planting We are establishing local churches all over the Czech Republic that are reproducing at an exponential rate. You can play a role in a global church planting movement by reaching those who would otherwise never hear the Gospel. Imagine generations of new believers making Christ first in their lives because you answered the call to go. Learn More
Bill Payton
e3 Strategy Director
There are no prayers for Czech Republic at this time
There is no news for Czech Republic at this time
Melanie Farkas' e3 Partners Fundraiser
We are ambassadors for Christ…We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20
FROM MICHIGAN TO THE NATIONS - What does that look like?
- 10 million people
- over 68% lost
- 300,000+ people from Unreached People Groups (less than 2% believers) within two hours of my home
- 2 million people
- Over 99.5% lost
While I care for Shiloh (who has special needs) and Reuben, I will serve and train from my home base with the goal of identifying, equipping and sending believers God is calling.
I am praying for many experienced and committed laborers for the people of Michigan and SE Asia. Along the way, it will be a privilege to come alongside believers with vision for other locations as well!
Thank you in advance for your generosity. May the Lord bless you and give you great joy in the testimonies of what He does!
Get EquippedMovements PodcastCONTACT INFO
Melanie Farkas
9585 Burton Hwy.
Bellevue MI 49021
269-419-5333 or
e3 Partners
2001 W Plano Parkway, Suite 2600
Plano, TX 75075 | 214.440.1101
There are no updates at this time.
- Tyler Dykstra
- Kyle & Stacy Wilder
- Jill Scribner
- Melanie Farkas
- Landon Asaro
- Miriam Bartlett
- The Micklatcher Family
- Greg & Jill Scribner
- Robert Bowen
- Wesley Wilkinson
- Norm and Willa Kersten
- Hannah Bowen
- Thai Tran
- Philip Williams
- Heath Valkema
- Mary Porter
- Tammy Wolf
- Emmanuel Santoyo
- Mark Yoder
- Marvin and Caryn Freed
- John and Paulette Brack
- Joni R Balkema
- John Kalkman
- Susan Morgan