From volcanoes to rainforests, Mexico is a geographically rich land and home to some of the world’s most populous cities. It is even one of 17 countries to be considered “megadiverse” for its biodiversity.

Evangelical Christianity has grown nearly 6% over the last 50 years and new ministry opportunities are developing throughout the country. Mexico is even beginning to develop its own missions movement.  Still, much work remains to be done.

e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Mexico. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.

Jeff Thompson e3 Partners' Fundraiser


Organized by Jeff Thompson

BIG NEWS!  I am now a church planter in Colombia

I will be serving as a full time missionary with e3 Partners.  I will be directing an indigenous church planting strategy in the "Coffee District" of Colombia.  I'm so excited about helping the churches in Colombia thrive and multiply.  I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me!

It will be my job to mobilize teams from North American churches to go on short term mission trips.  These trips provide a catalytic boost to the strategy by partnering with our Colombian brothers and sisters and going into new fields of harvest for evangelism and disciple making.  Our North American teams bring energy, encouragement, and resources that are greatly used to fulfill a comprehensive country strategy of church strengthening and multiplication.  I am very thankful for my role as a Church Planter.  I love the opportunity I have to strengthen both American and Colombian churches.  I hope that many of you can join me in the harvest field in the coming years!

I started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the funding that I need to accomplish the work that God has called me to. It's been my dream to go and serve and I hope that you will consider being part of this opportunity with me.

Every donation is important and will enable me to be present and help others in need. Would you kindly consider making a donation? Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and helping me accomplish my Kingdom assignment!

  • There is much fruit to share!

    Posted a week ago

    I am very excited to share the fruit from our recent trip to Armenia, Colombia on July 4-11.  I am very thankful for each of you and your faithful support of this ministry.  On the last night of this expedition Lesli and I were laying in bed recounting the amazing things we had seen God doing in and through our team on the expedition.  We had to stop and praise God that he has called and provided for us to work in this amazing ministry.  We could not fulfill this ministry without your partnership!  You share in any fruit God produces through this work.  I am so excited to be able to share the fruit of this expedition.  

    We were blessed to lead a great team of 25 into the harvest field in Armenia, Colombia.  This team was very special for me because it was my first team to mobilize and lead in my role of Church Planter in the Coffee District. Once again I was able to lead a team into the harvest field where they found their Kingdom Treasure.

    Our team was able to partner with 14 Colombian churches who are actively working to establish healthy new churches.  Our team went out into these new areas to do evangelism and make disciples of those who choose to follow Jesus.  Through the work of our team, over 906 people heard the gospel, 566 people made professions of faith, 77 follow up discipleship visits were made!  Praise God.  
    We have been blessed with an amazing man who God had raised up to lead the e3 Partners Mentor Network in Armenia.  Alex Lopez is a gifted leader who is being blessed right now as he seeks to train pastors and create a church planting moment in the Coffee District of Colombia.  Please pray for Alex and myself as we continue to partner together to see this movement of God move forward toward more fruit.  
    (Alex and his wife Sandra and their kids Laura and Pablo with Lesli and I)

     Another encouraging thing for me was to see the strength of the Mentor Network of pastors that we have partnered with in Armenia.  These men and women are united and committed to work together to multiply the church and make disciples.  I am very excited to share with you that the process is working.  On this expedition our team got to partner with four of our core pastors who are working in a second generation new church plant that has been established since our last expedition.  This is the goal in any church planting movement!  

    Lesli and her team got to experience this generation church growth first hand.  Alex Lopez's church was one of the churches we partnered with on the expedition. Not only is Alex leading a coalition of pastors who are committed to church multiplication, he is leading his own church to be a leader in this movement.  His church has the vision to plant a new church in a neighboring barrio named El Silencio.    When Lesli and her team arrived a Alex's church on Wednesday to do the work of evangelism there were 30 people form the church who obeyed the call to go into El Silencio to share the Gospel and Make Disciples!  The following picture displays the fruit of your investment.  Alex's first generation church working with our team to establish a second generation church in a new area.  May God multiply this kind of fruit over and over!  

    (The Strategy in Action!  Lesli and her team with Alex's church planing team in El Silencio.)  

    I am very excited to announce that the work in the Coffee District is moving forward rapidly!  Our Network is growing and healthy.  In 2016 I will mobilize three teams in the Coffee District.  There will be two trips in Armenia.  We will also be expanding our strategy to a new city called Minizales, which is two hours north of Armenia.  We have a pastor named Bladimir who is committed to the e3 Partners process of multiplication.  He is actively building a pastor network and will be ready to host a team in the coming year.  Praise God.  

    With this opportunity comes tremendous responsibility.  I have to mobilize three mission teams in the coming year.  I need your help.  Each of our ministry partners are doors to new networks of workers for the harvest.  You can help me connect with persons of influence in other churches with whom I can share the vision of the work in the coffee district.  You can propel this work forward by introducing me to new churches and individuals whom I can bring to Colombia.  Lesli and I appreciate your continued prayer and support as we seek to be faithful to fulfill this amazing calling.  We love and appreciate each of you.  

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • Here I raise my Ebenezer!

    Posted a week ago

    It is with profound humility and abounding joy that I am able to report to you that I have met a major goal in our funding for this ministry.  Yesterday I got word from my funding coach that I reached my minimum funding goal!  What this means is that I will be able to transition from probationary support  raising status to full-time status as of June 1.  This is a huge blessing.  I am not technically fully funded. I am, however, funded to the minimum level at which I can begin to function fully in my position as a church planter in Colombia.  This goal also brings Lesli and I to within $150 each month of where my take home pay was when I stepped away from full-time employment at Midlothian Bible Church.  We pave been working and praying to get to this more secure financial position since we began this journey in September.  

    I need to brag on my God!  Through this entire journey God had been faithful!  Each month we stared down financial shortcoming.  Each month we were gnawed by doubt and fear.  Each month God provided for us miraculously!  Through this journey we never missed a bill or necessary payment!  This has been a major miracle for us.  God is good.  

    I need to brag on you all!  We could not be where we are at without each one of you.  You have obeyed God's call on your life to support this ministry.  In doing so you have been the hands and feet of Jesus for us to provide our financial needs.  From the bottom of our hearts my family thanks you!  

    The Apostle Paul bragged on his ministry partners in Corinth in 2 Corinthians when he says this about the people of the church in Corinth.  2 Corinthians 3:2-3 "You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.  You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."  To Paul, these faithful friends and ministry partners were his "recommendation letters"  Their lives were proof if the power of God that was working through Paul's ministry.  Let me play off of Paul's words to encourage you all.  

    You are our stones!  You are the living stones (1 Peter 2:5) that are the foundation of our ministry.  Your support has established the financial foundation that I will build this ministry on.  Any fruit that this ministry produces both now and in the future is because of your faithfulness to obey God and support us.  You co-own this ministry with Lesli and I.  Thanks.  

    You are also our stones of help!  At one point (1 Samuel 7), God miraculously delivered the Israelites from the hands of the Philistines.  After this miracle God instructed Samuel to set up a stone memorial to serve as a visual reminder of God's goodness to his people.  Samuel named this stone Ebenezer, which literally means "stone of help".  You are stones of help for us.  Your faithful obedience and financial provision serve as an Ebenezer stone for Lesli and I.  You have been miraculously used by God to help us.  We praise God because of you.  We remember God's faithful provision through you.  

    Praise God!  Thank you!  

    This ones for you!

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • When scripture comes alive!

    Posted a week ago

    I was up early this morning trying to digest a bowl of original red chili from Tolberts restaurant in Grapevine.  While up, I began to ponder the deep things of life (I find this puts me back to sleep).  In this state I began to think of and pray for all of you, my amazing support team!  God filled me with the most amazing sense of thankfullness and wonder in the ways he has provided all of you to be partners with Lesli and I in our Great Commission assignment.  

    I was reminded of Paul's words to his dear friends in Philippi:

    I thank my God every time I remember you.
      In all my prayers for all of you, I always praywith joy  because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
    Phillippians 1:3-6

    These words have a powerful new significance for Lesli and I in this season of life.  We understand the power and joy of gospel partnerships because of you!  It means so much that you would invest your treasure in an eternal way through us!  I wanted to write you to share some specific ways God is using your gifts.  

    I recently returned from a ministry trip to Lima, Peru.  This trip was strategically valuable because our entire e3 Colombia strategy team was together for training and evaluation of the strength and impact of the country strategy.  It was great for me to get the big picture view of the strategy that God is asking me to oversee in my area of responsibility, the coffee district.  This strategy is bearing tremendous fruit in other parts of the country.  Here is a taste of what you are a part of building!

    E3 Colombia features the ministry of evangelism and church establishing which is fueled by the indigenous Mentor Network which consists of 5 pillars: 

    1. I am Second/Yo Soy Segundo - Evangelism and discipleship to reach and conserve the harvest.  YSS is focused on small group discipleship to help believers live and grow in Christ by living and telling others in obedience to the Holy Spirit and God's Word accompanied with proactively sharing their story and the gospel with people in their sphere of influence. 

    2. Healthy Church Modules - Monthly training events are provided to address the dimensions of establishing healthy churches which possess a balance in Stability of doctrine and Mobility toward multiplication.  Over 500 pastors and leaders in multiple cities across Colombia are encouraged in mentoring relationships for guidance and accountability.

     3. Just Say the Word (Spanish book version: Solo Ora Con La Palabra) - A message and model calling Christian husbands to pray more intentionally and more regularly with their wives using the Bible as the guide for their prayers.  A healthy marriage is the core of the family; and healthy families are the core of the church. 

    4. Community Transformation - Built upon Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbor’; churches are awakened to engage their local communities with relevant projects to enhance the dignity and development of the community; and to show the love of God! Our Nehemiah seminar guides participants to identify, plan and mobilize their church to (a) creatively serve their community, (b) in local service projects, (c) meeting relevant community needs, (e) by using local talents and assets. 

    5.  Understanding and Communicating the Bible - Training believers and leaders with an approach to accurately handle the Word of Truth.  Key principles are learned to enhance understanding the Bible for sound doctrine and for allowing the Word to be communicated with increasing clarity.  In this way, the word of God becomes both the needed milk and meat for strengthening individual Christians and the body of Christ overall. 

    In Barranquilla, Colombia this strategy has trained more than 400 pastors in just the last three years.  Last year alone there were around 200 pastors in the mentor network.  These pastors personaly shared the gospel with around 6,000 people.  These gospel interactions created more than 400 new I Am Second groups.  These are new groups that have the potential to become covenant churches with a vision and DNA for healthy multiplication.  

    You are apart of this kingdom work!  I want to give you vision for ways that you can continue to partner with us to keep working in Colombia until there is no one left who needs to hear about Jesus. Here are some opportunities that I want to prayerfully put in front of you.  

    Give:  You are already giving and for this I am thankful.  God may prompt some of you to give more!  We have not reached our funding goal yet.  I will not be free to fully invest in this work until I reach full funding.  

    Go:  I want each of you to come with me to Colombia to see for yourself what God is building through you.  I want to walk through the fields of harvest with you.  I want you to be impacted by going in the same way Lesli I have been.  I want you to meet your Colombian brothers and sisters in Christ.  Jesus asks us to pray for workers for the harvest.  I pray that you will be one of these obedient workers who participate in and rejoice in the harvest!  Here is the link to register for our next trip to Armenia on July 4-11.

    Connect:  You are a Kingdom ambassador for this ministry within your individual sphere of influence.  Will you help me connect with other individuals or churches who can partner with us to fulfill our kingdom assignment in Colombia?  

    We love each of you.  We pray for you.  We know that he who began a good work in you will keep doing it!  We love being on this amazing journey with you.  


    Jeff and Lesli

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • More opportunities await!

    Posted a week ago

    Greetings team.  I am leaving today for Lima, Peru for an important week of training and ministry with the strategy teams from the various countries in which e3 is currently working in Latin America.  

    Our team, which includes our e3 Nationals from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela as well as our USA country coordinators will meet together for strategic training and outreach. We will seek to understand the way God is working in the process of rapid disciple making/church planting in other parts of the world and adapt these strategies into our work in our countries of influence. 
    It's going to be an amazing week!

    The training that we will be receiving will need to be integrated into the various country strategies.  Our entire e3 Colombia strategic team will be together in Lima to have the necessary strategic meetings in order to strengthen our church planting and discipleship strategy in Colombia.   

    • Please pray for our team of 60 as we seek to be part of a strategy of explosive growth in new church planting movements throughout Latin America and the rest of the world!
    • Please pray for my time with the key leaders from the Coffee District.  I am very excited to be able to personally invest in Alex Lopez and Bladimir Heneo during this week.   These two men are the strategy coordinators for the cities of Armenia and Manizales respectively.  Pray that these two men receive a clear vision for their work with e3 in their cities. 
    Thanks for your support of this ministry.  I am proud to represent such an amazing team of kingdom builders!  



    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Posted a week ago

    I have many things to be thankful for in this season of my life.  God has richly blessed me with a beautiful family and an amazing network of friends.  Lesli and I have been blown away by God's provision for us on this journey of raising our support to do the ministry we have been called to in Colombia.  Thank you for listening to the call of God and joining our support team.  God has used your partnership to fortify and encourage us in this season of walking by faith.  I pray that God fills you with the joy that comes through obedience.  I pray you see the blessing of God to meet your needs.  Lesli, myself, and all of our kids send you our best wishes in this season of thanksgiving.  We are thankful for you!  

    The Thompson family!

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • We need your prayers!

    Posted a week ago

    Hi team.  I need you to partner with us this week as we are on the road raising support in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska.  The family and I are currently in Estes Park Colorado for a few days of relaxation before an intense 5 days of travel and ministry presentations starting this evening.  In the next five days I will make 8 presentations to approx. 40-50 people from 6 different churches.  

    Please pray for us as we present the vision for the ministry in Colombia. Pray for burning hearts and divine appointments.  As we present the opportunity to give please pray for monthly financial partners to join our team.  Also pray for persons of influence in various churches to get a vision to mobilize their churches to go on the expeditions this summer.   

    Thanks for being co-laborors with us in this ministry!  We love and appreciate each of you.  

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • Of I go into the wild blue yonder!

    Posted a week ago

    As I write this message I sit at gate A14 waiting to board my flight that will eventually take me to Baranquilla, Colombia for a week of evangelism and church planting/strengthening.  I wanted to thank each of you for being on my sending team.  Your financial and prayer support is enabling the continued growth of a church planting movement in Colombia.  

    This week I would like for you all to pray for Alex Lopez and Bladimir Henao.  Alex is the leader of the network of pastors in Armenia.  He is a key partner on the ground in Armenia, which is the regional hub of the Coffee District.  Bladimir is the pastor we have identified to potentially launch the next city that we will open in the area, Manizales.  These men will both be with me for the entire week as we observe the established work in Baranquilla.  We will be seeking to reproduce many of the systems and practices that God has blessed so richly for the past decades in Baranquilla.  Pray that we establish strong Gospel partnerships that we will build on for many years in the Coffee District.  

    Thanks for your partnership in the Gospel.  Pray for fruit this week. 



    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • Pray, Give, Go........Get Together!

    Posted a week ago

    Hi team,

    God has done amazing things in our first month of support raising.  Lesli and I have been blessed beyond words to see how many have been willing to join us on this Kingdom building journey.  God has provided approimately %30-35 of our monthly support goal.  Thank you God!  

    There is more work to do, however.  I have been working hard to tap into the obvious network of support God has provided through friends, family, and our local church family.  I feel the need to move to the next phase of this process.  I need my existing support team to help me continue to reach people who God can use to fund this ministry and be blessed in the process.  

    It is commonly said that one can invest in the kingdom by praying, giving, or going.  I would like to humbly ask you to consider adding one more option to this list.  In this support raising journey you can help me invest in God's kingdom by getting together.  Would you be willing to help me connect with new people by hosing a Kingdom Connection event at your home?  You could bless me in a significant and specific way by inviting people from your personal network over for dinner, dessert, or coffee and allowing me to present the vision for the ministry to which God has called me.  This will not only bless me, but is can bless you and those whom God might lead to join me through financial and prayer support for this work.  

    The Kingdom of God advances through community.  I would love your help in being able to exponentially increase the number of people I can expose to this kingdom building opportunity.  Please prayerfully consider rather God would move you to open your home and plan a Kingdom Connection event in the coming weeks.  Contact me when you are ready to set up an event.  Please continue to pray for me as I seek open doors and open hearts through which God will provide funding for my ministry in Colombia and locally through I Am Second Student Initiatives.  

    May God continue to bless you as you invest in his kingdom!

    Jeff and Lesli Thompson
    (307) 287-4241

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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  • Consider this your digital hug!

    Posted a week ago

    Lesli and I were blown away by the outpouring of love and support that you all demonstrated to us through your financial gifts.  Thank you very much.  You will never know how encouraging these gifts have been.  There is something very powerful about stepping out of the boat and realizing that you can, indeed, trust God to not sink!  We are excited about this new ministry journey.  We can't wait to reach full funding so that we can work with total focus on our task of strengthening both the Colombian and American churches.  Please put us on your prayer lists.  Pray for divine appointments with individuals and churches who will respond to the ministry vision that God has asked us to champion.  May God bless you richly for you partnership in the gospel.  May God continue to use you to build the church and establish the Kingdom! 


    Jeff and Lesli

    Posted by:
    Jeff Thompson

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Days to Go