Create a New Trip

New Trip Proposal Process – Teams and External Funding Only

  1. Click here to complete the Trip Proposal Request Form.
  2. Your trip-specific Proposal will be created and shared with you in Google Drive. You will receive an email message with the link and your new trip code. Once you have clicked to open the link, you will be able to find it in your Shared with me items in your Drive or access it by searching by the trip code.
  3. Complete the following tabs of the Proposal:
    • Proposal
    • COVID-19
    • Budget Expenses
    • Price Picker
    • Pricing and Gifts (In the Price Type column, choose Free, Hard Cost, or Full Price to match your Target Team on the Proposal tab. The Price column will automatically populate from your Price Picker tab.)
    • Check the Budget Summary tab to make sure the trip will cash flow with the budget and number of participants you set up.
  4. Once #3 is complete, go to the Approvals Tab of your Proposal to send to all approvers listed.  They will give their approval on your proposal.
  5. After you receive all approvals, you are ready to add your trip to the e3 Partners website using Pure Charity. Click here to download the instructions to enter your trip. Please follow the instructions exactly.
  6. Click on the link below to enter your new CP trip.

The Simpson's Partnership Development Page

South Africa

Organized by Sean Simpson


We are Sean and Ariel Simpson, and have been married 18 years and have been in cross-cultural missions for 12 years.
Our Children's names are Ariss (14 years), Priest (13 years), Bishop (7 years), they have always home-schooled because of their international upbringing. We are stateside now originally for Sean to complete his Masters degree at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he graduated May 2020!
We have served multiple African nations over the years but our primary focus is reaching the unreached for Christ in North African countries; the Lord has given us a ministry of discipleship among Sub-Saharan Africans in order for them to be equipped to share the Gospel as they are called north.
We know the Lord is speaking to the hearts of people and exciting them to further the Gospel to the ends of the earth, as a direct result; we are in great anticipation of partners to join in this effort. God uses people to work out His purpose and we are certain that He is looking to use and is using you. It would mean so much to us if we could partner together. 

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go