“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” – Habakkuk 2:14

Habakkuk 2:14, that’s what we’ve been working towards since e3 Partners began in 1987; filling the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. It started with a vision God placed on the heart of Mike Downey to help nationals plant churches, and over the last few decades, God has used this ministry to do just that. He’s guided us through challenges and growth, and through it all, the vision has stayed the same. e3 Partners remains focused on helping nationals plant healthy, multiplying, transformative churches all across the world, and we will continue to do so until there is a local church accessible to every person, everywhere.

The Early Years

In 1985, Mike Downey led a group from his church in Oklahoma to Mexico for a mission trip. While there, they saw over 100 people accept Christ into their lives, and when they returned the next year, a church had been planted! Mike called it, “accidental church planting.” He was moved by the passion of these Mexican believers, and as he returned from that second trip, God gave him a vision. He founded Global Missions Fellowship (GMF) with the intent to serve nationals and plant churches in Mexico (on purpose), and it wasn’t long before God expanded that vision further.

In 1990, the collapse of the Soviet Union opened doors that allowed GMF to expand into Eastern Europe, and four years after that, we expanded to Africa as well.

In 1996, God expanded our vision to the entire world, and GMF began taking trips to areas within the 10/40 window.

Over the next two years, God revealed to us the concept of church planting movements (CPMs), which we began incorporating into our short-term trips strategy. There then became a clear need for some scalable evangelism and discipleship tools, which led to the development of the EvangeCube.

The EvangeCube provided our trip participants and national partners with a simple, easily comprehendible way of sharing the gospel. We began using it on all of our trips, and we’d train those who came to accept Christ on how to use it as well, encouraging them to go share the Good News with others.

The 2000s

In 2002, God revealed to us another idea that we refer to as “initiatives”. Essentially, the idea was to combine the evangelistic aspects of our short-term trips with an aid/relief aspect as well.

Medical church planting was our first initiative.

We began taking these types of trips to areas that were severely lacking in accessible medical care, and God used our medical service to open doors to countless families and individuals who had not yet heard the gospel. It was amazing to see how God could use the medical expertise and service of our teams to ultimately lead people to Him.

In 2006, we became e3 Partners Ministry.

Equip God’s people, evangelize His world, establish His church. Those are the three “e’s”, perfectly aligned with the original vision God gave Mike Downey in 1987.

Two years later, the I Am Second brand launched in Dallas, TX, focused on reaching people with powerful Gospel-centered stories through the ever-growing presence of digital media. It quickly became a national brand, and has now grown internationally as well, allowing us to spread the gospel to many people and places we may not be able to get to physically.

That same year, e3 Partners started its “Orality” initiative in Ethiopia. Many communities across Ethiopia speak languages that the Bible has not been translated into yet. The orality initiative focuses on developing strategies and scripts to share the gospel and other Biblical stories with these people through oral storytelling.

By the end of 2008, e3 was taking trips to dozens of countries around the world, and we’d organized the ministry into regional and country teams.

Recent Years

In 2014, we added a more focused training element to the ministry. Training new believers and Christian leaders had always been a part of what we did on our trips, but now there was an added emphasis on training outside of our church planting trips as well. Both domestically and internationally, through one on one meetings, discipleship groups, church gatherings, and other opportunities, we began training new believers how to share their testimonies and the gospel, and training more mature believers on how to disciple others and plant churches.

Then, in 2017, through God’s guidance we employed an integrated Four Fields strategy locally and globally to create something we call the “Great Commission Pipeline”.

The Great Commission Pipeline connects our trips, trainings, international workers, national partners and church partnerships all together to increase the effectiveness and speed at which we reach people far from God.

Looking back on the last 30+ years, it’s amazing to see how God has been at work the whole time. The expansion of our vision from Mexico to the whole world, the addition of initiatives and scalable evangelism tools like the EvangeCube, and now 3-Circles, the added training element, the 4 Fields strategy, the Great Commission Pipeline, it’s all been from God. He’s led this ministry the whole time and has allowed us to do some amazing work for His Kingdom.

In recent years, through our 4 Fields strategy and the implementation of the Great Commission Pipeline, we’ve seen the Gospel reach further and spread faster than ever before. We truly live in an unprecedented time in history. God is moving all across the world.

Come join us as we work to make Habakkuk 2:14 a reality!

Frank E. Knight's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Frank E. Knight Jr.

I am excited to say that God has called me (Frank E. Knight Jr.) to be a blinding light in the world of the motorcycle community. Our Lord has opened the door for me to combine my love for evangelism and my love for motorcycles by leading me to join e3 Partners Ministry as an I Am Second Ambassador on the IAS Xtreme Ministry Team.

Our Mission within the motorcycle community is to invigorate believers into sharing their faith and bringing non-believers into a relationship with Jesus.

We do this by Equipping Christians with the tools to enable them to share their faith; Evangelizing the un-reached; and Establishing new I AM SECOND groups within jails, prisons, motorcycle chapters, and biker friendly churches

Will you join us and invest in God’s Kingdom by partnering with us through financial support?

Financial support can be given on a monthly or periodic basis. It is typically most helpful to consider a monthly partnership so that we can manage our finances accordingly, but the Lord uses all gifts, including periodic, annual gifts, or special gifts.

There are a couple of ways for you to become a financial ministry partner.

The easiest is by clicking on the donate button and creating a monthly support plan using electronic funds transfer technology or donating a special gift of any amount.

The other option is to mail a check payable to “I Am Second” addressed to:

Frank Knight Jr. / Motorcycle Ministry
Account # 509
I Am Second
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Ste. 2600
Plano, TX 75075

For a timely tax receipt, please provide your full name, address, phone #, and email.

All your contributions to our ministry either through e3 Partners Ministry or I Am Second are tax deductible and sincerely appreciated.

Of course the amount is up to you, as gifts of all sizes will be cheerfully accepted as they are cheerfully given – “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Many people making even the smallest of donations enable the I Am Second Motorcycle Ministry to reach others with the life-changing wisdom of putting Jesus first. Your gifts also allow us to travel to the larger secular motorcycle events making a bigger impact for Christ and the financial capability of distributing free Bibles.

My commitment to my financial partners is to work diligently to touch the lives of people for Jesus Christ; to regularly let you know how God is blessing our ministry; and how your financial gift is reaching out to transform the lost by giving inspiration to a father or mother, showing Christ’s love to a child, bringing answers to our brothers & sisters seeking the truth, and providing hope to those that are slaves to destructive lifestyles.

I have no idea what you might be able to do, but it would be a tremendous honor to have you investing in us and our ministry.


Thank you in advance for whatever the Lord leads you to do.

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Days to Go