Beginning in 1947, Romania became an independent communist state with a highly oppressive regime. The secret police were among the most ruthless and invasive in Eastern Europe. Under communist rule, the Church faced widespread persecution. Christians endured forced labor, torture, exile, and even death.

In December 1989, a swift and bloody revolution swept through Romania following the government’s attempted ousting of pastor László Tőkés in Timișoara. Protests turned into riots that eventually led to the arrest and execution of President Nicolae Ceaușescu on Christmas Day.

Since the fall of communism, a significant revival has swept through Romania. The pain endured by so many Christians has set the stage for an amazing new chapter in the Church’s history and you can be a part of it.


We are currently serving the people of Romania with the following initiatives.

Church Planting
We are establishing local churches all over Romania that are reproducing at an exponential rate. You can play a role in a global church planting movement by reaching those who would otherwise never hear the Gospel. Imagine generations of new believers making Christ first in their lives because you answered the call to go.
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Are you someone with a medical background or a compassionate individual who enjoys seeing lives improved? Join teams of doctors, nurses, dentists, and veterinarians spreading across the globe to meet basic health needs. Even if you aren’t from the medical field, you can help with HIV/AIDS awareness, Malaria prevention, and health education.
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Adrian Nicoara

e3 Strategy Director

The Simpson's Partnership Development Page

South Africa

Organized by Sean Simpson


We are Sean and Ariel Simpson, and have been married 20 years and have been in cross-cultural missions for 15 years.
Our Children's names are Ariss (17 years), Priest (16 years), Bishop (9 years), they have always home-schooled because of their international upbringing. We are stateside now originally for Sean to complete his Masters degree at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he graduated May 2020!
We have served multiple African nations over the years but our primary focus is reaching the unreached for Christ in North African countries; the Lord has given us a ministry of discipleship among Sub-Saharan Africans in order for them to be equipped to share the Gospel as they are called north.
We know the Lord is speaking to the hearts of people and exciting them to further the Gospel to the ends of the earth, as a direct result; we are in great anticipation of partners to join in this effort. God uses people to work out His purpose and we are certain that He is looking to use and is using you. It would mean so much to us if we could partner together. 

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