You can help us continue our mission in Tanzania with your tax-deductible financial contribution. Your support allows us to cultivate long-term relationships with local pastors, develop an ongoing church-planting movement in the region, and continue serving the physical needs of the people.

All donations are in U.S. dollars. Any applied conversion rate will be the bank merchant rate on the day of the transaction.

Kevin's Fundraiser

Organized by e3 Partners


To hear more about what I am doing please email me at: Kevin.Valdes@servioglobal.net 

Thanks so much for visiting my fundraiser page! You have a story that is still being written out! Your story is your life & God is the author. Your story will impact this world & the eternities of many!

I pray that MY story will inspire & encourage you to live out YOUR story to the glory of God!

Thank you in advance for your prayers and generosity!

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Days to Go