e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Thailand. Our aim is to equip existing believers and train local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As these communities come to faith in Christ, small groups are established that help new believers take the next steps in spiritual growth.


We are currently serving the people of Thailand with the following initiatives.

Church Planting
We are establishing local churches all over Thailand that are reproducing at an exponential rate. You can play a role in a global church planting movement by reaching those who would otherwise never hear the Gospel. Imagine generations of new believers making Christ first in their lives because you answered the call to go.
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Change the world with your love for sports. Even in the most remote areas, people know how their favorite teams are doing. God can use your hobbies to break down barriers and reach people who wouldn’t normally respond.
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Let’s end modern-day slavery by cutting it off from the source. Venture into remote villages where human trafficking rings are convincing poverty-stricken families to sell their own children. Reveal what’s really happening and save the next generation by sharing the simple truth that every life is priceless.
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Community Transformation
We are helping churches address pressing social, economic, and health issues in their communities. You can help us transform communities by empowering local churches and improving the lives of individuals.
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KJ Jessen

e3 Strategy Director


Jenni Jessen

Priceless Coordinator


Chad Tabor

SportReach Coordinator


Yo Takham

National Coordinator


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Josh Spinks' e3 Partners Fundraiser

Organized by e3 Partners

In 2022, e3 Partners' work has seen 89,000 churches planted. Yes, you read that correctly, 89,000 churches planted in one year. It is amazing to see how God is expanding His Kingdom around the world and He is using the long-term missionaries of e3 Partners, short-term trips led by e3 Partners nonresident missionaries and the labor of e3 Partners US staff. While we are overwhelmed by the rapid expanding of the church around the world, there is one thing about this number that brings our e3 Partners family pause. Most of these churches planted have been planted outside the borders of the United States. This fact breaks my heart. This is my family and I's home, This is the country we love. This is the country that God has used to bring so many blessings that we enjoy. We love America. But so many in America are far from God. 

With this Brutal Fact in view, e3 Partners asked me to lead the Made to Multiply initiative. Made to Multiply is a strategy for North America. With this strategy we will see over 1,000,000 believers in this country trained with simple, biblical, reproducible tools for sharing their God-story, sharing God's Gospel and making disciples who will do the same. And by equipping the U.S. church to make disciples and starting disciple making groups many will be envisioned to take the beautiful Gospel to the places in this country and around the world who are starved for it. 

We cannot wait to see what God will do through this endeavor and we need supporters like you to join us in prayer and financial commitment. Thank you for any consideration and generosity. 

Joshua Spinks

Director of e3 Partners 

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