e3 Partners leads multiple expeditions each year to Israel and other Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries. Come join us! We promise it’ll be the ultimate game-changer of your life.

Because of the enormous security risks in this region, we can’t list all the countries where we are currently serving.



“You are the first Christian I have ever spoken with, and you are nothing like what I thought.”

– Fatima, from Syria


Tens of thousands of Muslims are searching the Internet for someone to talk to. Who will they find? Embassy exists to mobilize, equip, and connect Christ-followers in North America with Muslims living abroad so that we can be the ambassadors of Christ. “Christ’s love compels us” because we know what life was like before hearing the Gospel. Join us. Make a new friend. Show that friend what it means to follow Jesus. And watch as God works in miraculous ways.


Ministry Partners for Larry Black

United States

Organized by e3 Partners

Would you join our partner team?

In the past twenty years, immigrants have reshaped the demographic makeup of Atlanta. It is home to every ethno-linguistic affinity in the world. In the past 10 years over one million people have immigrated to Atlanta from all over the world.

My vision is for every unreached ethnic group and community in Atlanta to hear the gospel resulting in churches being started that will multiply.  

To expand this much needed ministry, we need partners who will passionately pray with us and help with the increased cost of ministry. Your fervent prayers are greatly needed, and your financial partnership will be used for the cost of ministry expansion to the unreached. Through your prayer and financial partnership, you become a part of everything God does.

Through your financial partnership, you become a part of everything God does through me.  YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!   Just click the “Donate” button above to get started!  

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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