Straddling the Nile river and Nuba mountains, Sudan is Africa’s largest country and home to rich agricultural and mineral resources. After suffering years of civil war, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in 2005, opening a new chapter in Sudan’s rocky history.

Christianity is growing, particularly in the central and southern regions where nearly 80% of the population professes Christ. New churches are being established throughout the country and the Gospel is taking hold despite continuing violence. Still, over 22 million Sudanese people have never heard the Gospel. Of the country’s 165 people groups, 133 of them are considered unreached.


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Alan & Marlo Mitchell's Staff Support Page

Organized by Marlo Mitchell

Thank you so much for partnering financially with us
May the Lord bless your generosity and multiply it back to you-all for His glory!

All my prayers for you are full of praise to God! When I pray for you, my heart is
full of joy because of all your wonderful help in making known the Good News about Christ.... And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.

How natural it is that I should feel as I do about you, for you have a very special
place in my heart. We have shared together the blessings of God.... My prayer for
you is that you will overflow more and more with love for others, and at the same
time keep on growing in spiritual knowledge and insight, for I want you always to
see clearly the difference between right and wrong, and to be inwardly clean, no one
being able to criticize you from now until our Lord returns. May you always be
doing those good, kind things that show you are a child of God, for this will bring
much praise and glory to the Lord. (Philippians 1:3-11)

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.  (Psalm 126:3)

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