Straddling the Nile river and Nuba mountains, Sudan is Africa’s largest country and home to rich agricultural and mineral resources. After suffering years of civil war, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in 2005, opening a new chapter in Sudan’s rocky history.

Christianity is growing, particularly in the central and southern regions where nearly 80% of the population professes Christ. New churches are being established throughout the country and the Gospel is taking hold despite continuing violence. Still, over 22 million Sudanese people have never heard the Gospel. Of the country’s 165 people groups, 133 of them are considered unreached.


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Chris Toriz's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Francisco "Chris" Toriz

Chris & Peggy lived in the Middle East for 14 years, covering the ME for Awana for 20 years. Chris has been a Country Strategy Director with e3 Partners for 7 years, mostly in the Middle East.
He is now changed to the Mexico Team with several trips to Puebla, Michoacán and Reynosa Mexico. He is going on a Mcallen/Reynosa trip April 28, 2022, please pray for this trip.
Contact him for trip details and reports of previous trips.
Please pray for hearts of the refugees to be soft & ready to receive the Word. That He would lead us to people of peace (Luke 10:5-6)

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