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We want to help people learn easy ways to share the hope and love of Christ with their neighbors in the midst of this crisis. People are searching for hope right now, and as Christians, we have an opportunity to share the one true source of hope with them. This series is meant to do just that — to share the hope of Jesus through looking at specific stories in the Bible.

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” — 1 Peter 3:15

The Content:
The Bible Stories of Hope series is a discovery Bible study on Jesus’ authority over all. Each week we’ll go through a story from the book of Luke highlighting Jesus, His love, His power, and ultimately the hope He gives us. We’ll discuss what the story teaches us, and how we should apply the lesson to our lives.

The Format - Bible Stories of Hope

The Format:
Each session starts with a time of care, allowing each person to briefly share how they are doing. Then we move into a time of accountability where we follow up on the actions we challenged ourselves to do at the end of the previous week’s session (e.g. share the Bible story with someone else).

From there, we move into a time of studying — reading through a new Bible story and discussing the meaning and importance of the story. We answer questions from the text and then practice retelling the story so that we can build confidence in sharing it with others. Lastly, we close by thinking of someone in our sphere of influence we can share the story with in the coming days, and then we pray together.

Cooper Family

The Series Leader:
e3 Partners’ own Troy Cooper will be leading us through the Bible Stories of Hope series.

Troy is the VP of Global City Strategy for e3. He and his family have a passion for spreading the gospel and equipping local believers to make disciples and plant churches. They live on mission among the 93% unchurched communities in southern California and serve in various other parts all over the world as well.

Cooper Family

Recordings from Previous Weeks

Ginger Mayer's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Ginger Kay Mayer

"It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light of the nations that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth." Isaiah 49:6

In the Middle East our teams work alongside national leaders to plant multiplying churches and equip believers to multiply and carry out the Great Commission of Christ. Through medical/dental teams and personal visits we are able to bring the kingdom of Christ to the ends of the earth.

In Southwest Alaska we are in partnership with Tanalian Leadership Center to build up godly leaders.

At Tanalian Leadership Center Native Alaskan young men and women are challenged to grow in every area of their lives. The dynamic atmosphere of Biblical studies, career development and community mentoring offer continual opportunities for personal transformation. It is Jesus Christ who changes a person from the heart. Our desire is to see these students become leaders helping create healthy communities and multiplying believers in Alaska. We invite you to join us.

Your gifts keep us on the front lines around the world.

Please donate here today.
  • New Video!

    Posted a week ago

    We are getting ready to head out to the lower 48. We really hope to catch up to any of you in California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Texas. 

    We have added a short video explaining just how it is we are able to accomplish ministry in Alaska and the Middle East. Let us know what you think. We will keep you up to date as to where we are and will send a calendar really soon. We appreciate your prayers. Thank you for your partnership in the Great Commission.

    Posted by:
    Ginger Kay Mayer

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