Celebrating the Advent Season

Celebrating the Advent Season

What do you think of when you hear the word “Christmas?” Many people think of the decorations, music, and food, but one thing comes to my mind when I think about Christmas ...   Christmas is a promise.    Every December, presents wait under the tree, gathering pine...

How to Share The Gospel

How to Share The Gospel

Hi there! My name is Tom and this is my personal story of how I learned to share the Gospel and multiply believers.
When I was young, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, yet it took a while for me to become an actual doer of the Word. After stealing alcohol one...

My First Mission to Kenya

My First Mission to Kenya

Hello. My name is John and I’m a recent college graduate on staff with e3 Partners Ministry. At the beginning of 2021, I began praying about my future career and wondering if the Lord would call me into a secular industry, or into ministry. I was brought up in the...

Jason Johnson's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Jason Johnson

Partner Financially with e3 Staff

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