Seeing Clearly for the First Time

Seeing Clearly for the First Time

Hello! My name is Priscilla and I serve on the e3 Medical team. Recently, I participated in a short-term mission trip to Barranquilla, Colombia. There, I helped to facilitate the medical component for the trip; specifically, our...

A Special Announcement

A Special Announcement

As e3 Partners and our digital media ministry, I Am Second, prepare for the next fiscal year, we have a special announcement to share with our blog readers and social media followers. Please take a moment to watch a brief video message from CEO Jim Shannon and...

Be Bold in the New Year

Be Bold in the New Year

When it comes to sharing your Christian faith, do you ever fear how other people will respond? Well, you're not alone. Many believers want to tell their family, friends, and coworkers about the Lord, but a lack of confidence stops them in their tracks, along with...

Help Us Reach The Rest

Help Us Reach The Rest

At the beginning of 2022, e3 Partners Ministry launched the five-year Made to Multiply initiative. Our God-sized goal? To help the body of Christ collectively train 1 million North American believers to share their faith and make disciples. We're pleased to report...

Bill Payton Europe Support Team

Organized by William Payton

 I have been called to be part of God expanding His kingdom through all the peoples of Europe to the world..with a population of over 744 million including 66 million+ immigrants who have come to Europe because they are seeking greater economic opportunity, safety for their families, and from other crises like the Syrian crisis...EUROPE IS STRATEGIC..and through a movement of prayer and practical ministry the Gospel will be advanced for His glory!

Europe is unreached...Europe knows religion, but less than 2% claim to know Jesus personally

Europe has influence...Past,present, and future, Europe influences the world's economics, education, politics, philosophies and culture

Europe is connected...Through immigration, hundreds of distinct cultures live and exist in Europe, many representing unreached people groups

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Days to Go