Guide to Holy Week

Guide to Holy Week

Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 10! In response, we've prepared a brief overview of the various activities that take place during this special time of year. And, we've included a free 7-day Easter devotional for our readers! Palm Sunday Holy Week begins with Palm...

How To Pray For Ukraine

How To Pray For Ukraine

Hello. My name is Mike and I currently help lead e3 Partners’ efforts to share the Gospel with the world’s international migrant & refugee populations. I’m writing to you about the terrible situation that is unfolding in Ukraine—along with an opportunity to pray...

Celebrating the Advent Season

Celebrating the Advent Season

What do you think of when you hear the word “Christmas?” Many people think of the decorations, music, and food, but one thing comes to my mind when I think about Christmas ...   Christmas is a promise.    Every December, presents wait under the tree, gathering pine...

Julia Schatz's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Julia Schatz

Dear Friend!  

Thank you!  Your partnership with me in God's work is crucial. 
God is using you to partner with me to make it possible for me to continue the work He has called us all to do. We do it together.  Thank you!!  May God give you an increase and fill your heart with His joy!  2 Corinthians 9

Julia Schatz

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