Honoring God on Father’s Day

Honoring God on Father’s Day

Hello there. I'm Brad, e3's Vice President of Marketing & Communications, and I hope you’re having a blessed weekend so far. On behalf of the entire team at e3 Partners Ministry, I want to wish you a happy Father’s Day. Today I will honor my dad, who’s been a...

Mothers in the Bible

Mothers in the Bible

Happy Mother’s Day from the team at e3 Partners Ministry! The experiences of motherhood are certainly a blessing, and through them, the Lord teaches us some very profound life lessons. Let's examine the stories of a few mothers from the Bible, starting with Eve....

Praying For Our Nation

Praying For Our Nation

Today is The National Day of Prayer! For over 70 years, this annual observance has resulted in an incredible display of unified public prayer all across America. This year, millions of believers will once again come together before the Lord with fervent petitions for...

Guide to Holy Week

Guide to Holy Week

Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 10! In response, we've prepared a brief overview of the various activities that take place during this special time of year. And, we've included a free 7-day Easter devotional for our readers! Palm Sunday Holy Week begins with Palm...

How To Pray For Ukraine

How To Pray For Ukraine

Hello. My name is Mike and I currently help lead e3 Partners’ efforts to share the Gospel with the world’s international migrant & refugee populations. I’m writing to you about the terrible situation that is unfolding in Ukraine—along with an opportunity to pray...

Nadine's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Nadine Breiner-Patterson

in 1981, God changed my life when he reached down and showed his compassion to a wayward girl.  I gave my life to Him that day, saying... Jesus I'm sorry, take my life and do whatever you want with it.. I'll do whatever you want... even be a missionary!  Well it was many years later, 1999 to be exact when God first gave me that opportunity and showed me that this is in fact what He had been preparing me for even before I was born.

Going on my first trip to Guatemala with E3 ( then GMF) in 1999 was life changing for me as God had developed in me a heart for people that are less fortunate, and also had developed a passion for others to know of His love.  I knew after my 1st trip, that THIS is what God had created me for!

In 2004, I came on staff with E3, and it has been a wild, amazing, and interesting ride as God has taken me on the adventure of serving Him.  I have had opportunities to work in the "uttermost" .. places like Sudan, Ethiopia and India as well as many many other interesting countries... Romania, South Africa, Guatemala, Peru, to name a few. The more places that I go, the more I learn.. we are ALL the same.... people in need of the TRUTH... people in need of a SAVIOR.   Now I am working all over Nicaragua working alongside of our E3 Nicaraguan team, teaching the E3 model of church planting as we expand the work to "go and make disciples." 

God has uniquely positioned me to be able to impact lives here in the U.S. by bringing people out of their "comfort" zones and showing them a much bigger picture of God, as well as working to make a difference in another culture, coming alongside of pastors who want to start new churches in communities where there are none, so that "all may hear"

   What an ENORMOUS privilege this has been, but I don't go alone,  I go with YOU, with your support when you join together financially and in prayer as part of my sending team.  I can't go without your help.  TOGETHER we CAN and WILL make a difference.  Please prayerfully consider being a part of this work to expand His kingdom. 

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Days to Go