College Students Mobilize for Christ

College Students Mobilize for Christ

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Winning Souls With Bible Storytelling

Winning Souls With Bible Storytelling

Did you know that over 75% of the world prefers to learn through oral storytelling methods? I’m Jenanna Cook, a member of our e3 Oral Strategy Team with e3 Partners Ministry. Over six years ago, I participated in an e3 Story Training for Trainers workshop where I...

Resource: Prayers For The Overwhelmed

Resource: Prayers For The Overwhelmed

If you are feeling anxious, worried, frustrated, or worn down, you’re not alone. Millions of people every day are dealing with emotional, mental, and physical problems caused by stress and anxiety. What causes us to feel so overwhelmed? Everything from politics to...

Dispelling Missionary Myths

Dispelling Missionary Myths

People tend to have many preconceived ideas about missionaries. When I think of the word “missionary,” I picture a married couple in their early 30’s with 2-3 children serving full-time in a remote part of the world. How about you—what exactly do you envision? In...

e3 Partners Responds to COVID-19 Crisis in India

e3 Partners Responds to COVID-19 Crisis in India

As readers may already be aware, the people of India are suffering tremendously right now due to a deadly resurgence of COVID-19. In April 2021, local hospitals began to overflow beyond capacity, while medical supplies—particularly oxygen—ran critically low. Due to...

David Hicks Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by David Hicks

"Do you not say, `There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.”(John 4:34-35)

 In Sudan and South Sudan the fields are white for harvest and God has given us a tremendous opportunity to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to one of the most unreached and difficult parts of the world. In spite of what appears to be insurmountable obstacles Christ is moving in unfathomable ways in transforming lives, erasing tribal boundaries, removing the chains of bondage, through the power of the proclamation of the Gospel of CHRIST crucified. He has granted us stewardship of this ministry.

 Our mission is to be obedient to the LORD'S command to go and make disciples, and to be faithful stewards of that which HE has entrusted us with.  

 2 Timothy 2:2 is our guideline in partnering with indigenous, born-again believers. We teach and train them to make and train disciples who will make and train disciples that will result in a disciple multiplication and church movement throughout South Sudan and Sudan. One of our ministry tools is to mobilize the body of CHRIST here at home into short-term mission teams. We train and equip these teams to teach and train others and then we deploy with them into South Sudan where we team up with our indigenous partners to accomplish the ministry work.

 In the past 3 years we have witnessed the LORD bring about an explosion in areas of South Sudan with hundreds of house churches planted and small groups started by our indigenous partners.

 The LORD has also opened the door to undisclosed areas in Sudan. Of the 164 people groups that live in Sudan 132 are unreached with the gospel of JESUS CHRIST. We recently spent time 3 weeks in a refugee camp along the border of South Sudan and Sudan with 70,000 plus refugees. Among these 70,000 refugees (90% Muslim) from the Nuba Mountains there are approximately 70 unreached people groups represented. We were able to partner with 6 churches who sent representatives for us for 2 weeks for training, including classroom and practicals, in how reach, teach, and train new believers in how to follow CHRIST and reach, teach, and train others. This is our mission to reach the unreached with the Gospel and make multiplying disciples.

 William Carey, one of the great missionaries to India and one day in response to a group of Christians and pastors who were speaking of India as a gold mine but who would venture to go there? William Carey responded, "I will go down (into the mine)...but remember you must hold the rope." In Sudan and South Sudan there is a vast field of the LORD’S harvest...I will go down but need you to hold the rope.

 Now is the time, Sudan/South Sudan is the place, and we are the chosen!!

 "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.” (John 15:16)

  • THANK YOU!!!

    Posted a week ago

    I praise the LORD for you and want to thank you for continuing faithfully support the ministry. The LORD blessed so many field staff like myself, country funds, causes, and general capacity fund of e3 Partners during the special e3 Giving Day. 

    Because of your faithfulness to the LORD, your desire to see CHRIST proclaimed to all nations, and worshipers from every tongue, tribe, and nation bowing to LORD JESUS we will continue to press forward with the Gospel to train disciples who will multiply and plant multiplying churches. I pray you understand how important you are to the ministry and that you are as much a part of the mission as those of us who are called to go...you are called to send and you are obedient to the LORD! 

    The Apostle Paul says it better than any man could ever say it:

      "Whoever will call on the name of the LORD will be saved." How then will they call on HIM in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in HIM whom they have not heard? And how will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News of Good Things!" (Romans 10:13-15)

    Your feet are beautiful because you bring GOOD NEWS of GOOD THINGS to those who have never heard! 

    Thank you and may GOD continue to bless you!!! Let's keep our eyes upon CHRIST JESUS and continue the struggle well in and through HIM until the whole world hears!!!

    Posted by:
    David Hicks

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