Kevin’s Journey – Part 3

Kevin’s Journey – Part 3

Diego noticed me when I was about 30 feet from his taxi. I asked him if he spoke English, and he nodded his head yes. “Hi, I’m Luis*,” I said. “I’m Diego*,” he responded. I began making small talk with him, telling him where I was from and how much I was enjoying my...

Kevin’s Journey – Part 2

Kevin’s Journey – Part 2

Every time our church pastor asked me to come on a mission trip, I found a reason to turn him down. Sometimes I couldn’t get off work. Sometimes I was just too busy with “other stuff”, but to his credit, he never stopped trying. For five straight years he asked me to...

Kevin’s Journey – Part 1

Kevin’s Journey – Part 1

I grew up loosely catholic. I guess I believed in God, but He was never very important to me. When I got married, I went to church on Sundays with my wife, but only to make her happy. I didn’t pay attention to the sermons or sing any of the worship songs. I just kind...

100 Branches

100 Branches

A few years ago, e3 Partners was introduced to the Garcia’s* and a friendship quickly formed. After hearing the story of the Gospel from the e3 team, their hearts were transformed and they felt compelled to share it with others. Throughout the course of the next few...

Aaron’s Return – A Story of Obedience

Aaron’s Return – A Story of Obedience

Two years ago, a man named Aaron* came to know Christ, but when others from his community found out about his newfound faith, he was banished from their village. He was alone, alienated from his friends and family, but his faith remained steadfast.

Then, a few months ago…

“I hated the church.” “I left the church, and I was done with it.” This is the story of how God used the faithfulness of an introvert and the simple question, “can I pray for you?” to change those statements to…”It was amazing! We went from never going to church, to getting baptized on August 16th, to getting married in the same church on December 22nd of that same year…

It Will Never be the Same

It Will Never be the Same

Their clothes were colorful and bright, but their eyes looked so dim. For some time, we visited with them and we shared stories about our families and cultures. Then, an opportunity opened up for me to share my testimony, so I did. When I finished, one of the men stood up and said…

Miguel’s Dream

Miguel’s Dream

Miguel* awoke from a dream early one morning at his home in Honduras. He couldn’t figure out what it meant, but he had experienced it so many times now, that he remembered it vividly. “It’s just a dream,” he kept telling himself, but in his heart, he knew it was more than that…

Dennis Larkin Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Dennis Larkin


I want to personally thank you for your continued prayer and support of my ministry with e3 Partners. We are constantly amazed by everything God is accomplishing in Nigeria and you have been a part of it.

On Thursday, September 8, we are celebrating e3 Giving Day. Every online donation completed on this very special day will be enhanced by a bonus pool offered by several generous contributors. This means that if you make an additional gift on e3 Giving Day, a percentage of this bonus pool will be added to it, making it go farther!

So how can you participate?

1. Follow e3 Partners on Facebook. This is a great opportunity to connect with others who are supporting me and other field staff on September 8. You can also learn about the exciting things God is doing through us!

2. Pray about how you might participate. As September 8 approaches, prayerfully consider how you could support my ministry with an additional gift.

3. Visit my online fundraising page. On September 8, go online and make a donation of any amount by visiting: https://www.purecharity.com/fundraisers/5758/fund

Your donation will be credited to my support account, along with a percentage of the bonus pool.I can’t thank you enough for your support. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Dennis.Larkin@e3partners.org or (909) 815-5471.

Until the whole world hears,

Dennis Larkin
e3 Nigeria

  • Today is E3 Partners annual Giving Day.

    Posted a week ago

    Today is the day that your donation is enhanced to make an even bigger difference in our partnering with our Nigerian partners in evangelism, discipleship and Church Planting.  Thank you for helping us to continue this vital ministry.  God bless you

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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  • E3Partners Giving Day 2019 is coming soon

    Posted a week ago

    Habakkuk 2:14 tells us, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea,” and that’s what we’ve been working towards since e3 Partners began in 1987 – filling the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Last year alone, through God’s immeasureable power, we saw over 500,000 people come to know Christ and over 46,000 churches planted.

    The word “partners” is in our name for a reason. The work God does through this ministry could not be done without all the people who partner with us on trips, at trainings, financially, through prayer, and by other means. That includes you. You have made an immense impact for the Kingdom of God, and I am grateful for you.

    We’re seeing the gospel spread at rapidly increasing rates, but there is still work to be done. Across the world, there are 3.1 billion people who are far from God. That’s the entire U.S. population times ten!

    Hearing that makes you want to do something, right? It motivates us every day at e3. It pushes us to continue raising up disciples and planting churches so that the gospel may spread like wildfire throughout the earth, and this September, there’s an opportunity for you to help us add more fuel to that “fire”. – e3 Giving Day!

    What is e3 Giving Day?

    e3 Giving Day is an event from 6AM to midnight on Thursday, September 12th to help raise awareness and support for e3 Partners. Every donation made to a staff support account that day will be enhanced by a pool of bonus funds. That means on September 12th, every dollar is worth more than $1!

    This is an opportunity to go above and beyond, to help us do more. More churches planted. More baptisms. More disciples of Christ! So how can you participate?

    • Mark September 12, 2019 on your calendar! Remember this date!
    • Spread the word! Share e3 Partners’ Giving Day posts on Facebook & Twitter, and tell your friends and family about it. Help get others involved!
    • Pray about participation.
    • Visit my online fundraising page. On September 12, to make a donation by visiting: https://purecharity.com/fundraisers/5758/fund or visit www.e3partners.org/givingday. You can also make a donation via check by following these instructions:

    1. The mailing envelope containing the check MUST be postmarked on September 12, 2019
    2. The check must be mailed directly to the e3 Partners Plano Office: 2001 W Plano Parkway, Suite 2600 Plano, TX 75075

    3. The mailing envelope MUST also contain a note that indicates the check is for e3 Giving Day and the specific staff support account
    *This note can be handwritten
    Your donation will be credited to my support account, along with a portion of the bonus funds.

    Again, I am so grateful for you. Your generosity and partnership with e3 Partners have made a significant impact for the Kingdom of God and for me personally.

    If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email at dennis.larkin@e3partners.org or give me a call at 909-815-5471.
    Until the whole world hears,

    Dennis Larkin

    Nigeria Strategy Director

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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  • Nigeria and Greece in One trip

    Posted a week ago

    I am so privileged to be leading a trip to Nigeria June 28-May 20.  We will be training about 30 Reproducing Disciple Makers at each of 15 individual training days.  They will be equipped to: share their salvation story, the Gospel, Prayer walking/knocking, discipleship and much more.  Please join me in prayerfully supporting these newly trained evangelist and disciple makers as they begin a new ministry of presenting the Gospel to every Nigerian.

    I will then join an e3 medical team in Greece to bring medical aid and compassion to the Syrian refugees in Greece and to share with them the love of God and the Gospel to begin a church planting movement in Greece and beyond.  

    Please pray for me and my partners as we serve HIM by serving them.  

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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  • Giving Day 2016 Update

    Posted a week ago

    Tuesday was a very good day for our ministry efforts
    You all made a huge impact for HIS Kingdom.

    You all donated $5,550 on Tuesday to my account.

    You also committed an additional monthly increase of $300 per month

    Personally I know of some who tried to make donations and were unable. I have some good news about that too.

    I received a message late Tuesday night from our president of e3:
    Pure Charity’s third-party server company experienced a severe problem that negatively impacted the performance of their platform and caused some donors to experience delays and other errors. We are terribly sorry and we apologize to you and to your donors, though it was something beyond both e3 and Pure Charity.

    To help make up for today’s glitch, we are working with Pure Charity and the server provider to make sure their servers are stabilized and up for another go at it. Therefore, we will have an e3 Giving Day Part Two…

    The next day we learned that they are extending the Giving Day from now until September 30.

    That means if you know someone who missed out or had trouble please let them know of this amazing opportunity.

    Thank you so much for giving of your hard earned resources and thank you for encouraging me so wonderfully.

    God bless you

    Dennis Larkin

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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  • November Nigeria Training Trip

    Posted a week ago

    In just a little over 2 months I will be in Nigeria, training trainers, church planters and disciple makers from virtually every denomination in Nigeria.  This is our first official trip and I am blown away by what God is already doing.  This is truly the beginning steps of a new church planting movement and I have a front row seat and I want you to sit next to me and see what God does.  I will also be training these leaders and future leaders are ways to prevent Human Trafficking.  

    e3partners' annual Giving Day is Tuesday September 20. It is a 24 hour event to raise funds for the work of God is specific places.  My fund is for my work in Nigeria.  It is also a way to increase awareness of e3partners.  You can be a huge help by both giving financially on Giving Day and also promote Giving Day to others.  I want to encourage you to do both.  Would you also pray for this day to raise the needed resources.  

    Thanks for you involvement in advancing HIS Kingdom.  

    God bless you

    Dennis Larkin

    Please donate here

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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  • The Adventure begins

    Posted a week ago

    I love adventure and a good challenge especially when it involves others. I am starting to take the first steps in a new adventure that is taking me nearly halfway around the world. I’m headed to Nigeria to influence the country for His kingdom.

    Here are a few facts you may not know about Nigeria. Nigeria is twice the size of California and has half the population of the entire USA. Nigeria is the 3 largest English speaking nation in the world, after India and the USA. Nigeria is the 8th most populous country in the world. The vast majority of people in Nigeria do not have a real relationship with the God who created them.

    e3 is partnering in this adventure wth local church leaders and other ministries first in Lokoja Nigeria. We’re training trainers who will train church planters. This is 2 Timothy 2:2 in action.

    Nigeria is a country that has nearly been torn in two by the Boko Haram. Our God is a God of salvation and redemption and restoration. Pray for the people of Nigeria to seek after God and that God would rescue them by His mighty hand.

    Here is a little background about e3partners
    In 29 years e3partners has:
    Planted 104,000 Churches
    Trained 500,000 Nationals
    Presented the gospel 5.4 Million times
    Recorded 2.4 Million Professions of Faith
    Currently in 50 Countries
    Goal is to plant 1 Million reproducing churches by 2020

    I want to invite you to partner with me.
    Will you financially support this ministry monthly
    Will you prayerful support this ministry
    Will you join me on a Church Planting Trip
    Will you recommend to me others that may desire to partner with me

    Thanks for taking the time to visit my page.

    Until the Whole World Knows HIM

    Dennis Larkin

    Posted by:
    Dennis Larkin

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Days to Go