
Many of our e3 leaders are invited to speak on podcasts frequently, and one has even started his own (On the Road). Listen to conversations about 4 Fields training, sharing the gospel, multiplying disciples and churches, and completing the Great Commission.

On the Road | ep. 13
Three Thirds with Ross Ramsey

Here’s a simple pattern to help you disciple others.

On the Road | ep. 12
The 411 with Ginger Mayer

Help a new disciple immediately start making new disciples through a simple tool: The 411.

On the Road | ep. 11
Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato

If you teach a disciple the Bible, he’ll grow for a day. If you train a disciple to discover and obey the Bible, he’ll grow for a lifetime.

On the Road | ep. 10
Three Responses to the Gospel with Matt Altizer

Anytime you (attempt to) share the Gospel, people will respond in one of three ways. It helps to know what to do with each response.

On the Road | Bonus
Practicals of Fasting

Check out this bonus material to follow up Episode #9: Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell.

On the Road | ep. 9
Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell

Can you imagine one million people fasting for #NoPlaceLeft? Maybe it’s time to start. Jeff and Angie Sundell cast vision for three specific fasts when pursuing movement.

On the Road | ep. 8
Abundant Prayer with Paul Watson

Pursuing a movement of disciple-making disciples and church-planting churches starts, ends, and is surrounded by prayer.

On the Road | ep. 7
Gospel: Three Circles with Kenton Killebrew

Sharing the Gospel doesn’t need to be complicated. The Three Circles is a simple Gospel tool that’s being used widely in #NoPlaceLeft networks.

On the Road | ep. 6
Gospel: Share your Story in 15 seconds with Lukas Teese

Check out this episode of On the Road to #NoPlaceLeft for how God used a simple tool called a 15 Second testimony… in a bar… to save a recovering alcoholic.

On the Road | ep. 5
Hello to the Gospel in 3 Questions

Here are 3 questions to move any conversation to the Gospel.

On the Road | ep. 4
Start with your Oikos with Joleene Burts

Reaching the world with the Gospel starts with our own neighborhood.

On the Road | ep. 3
The Four Fields: A Path to #NoPlaceLeft with Tom Hall

The Four Fields is a simple strategy that provides a path to #NoPlaceLeft.

On the Road | ep. 2
The Brutal Facts with Dale Losch of Crossworld

How many people are living without Jesus here and around the world?

Movements.net | ep. 171
NoPlaceLeft Kansas City

Steve talks to Tom Hall about NoPlaceLeft Kansas City.

Movements.net | ep. 163
CoopersOnAMission from Florida to California

Steve talks to Troy and Rachel Cooper about NoPlaceLeft from Florida to California.

Movements.net | ep. 158
Students Pioneering Movements

Mike “Puck” Puckett talks about equipping students to multiply disciples and churches.

Movements.net | ep. 156
Growing workers for NoPlaceLeft

There is nothing more important in a multiplying movement than growing the next wave of leaders. Justin White is doing just that.

Engaging Missions | ep. 236
How to Impact Communities with the Good News

Tom shares about his journey from pastor to disciple-maker and what God has been doing through the ministry.

John & Anne Pruzina's e3 Partners Fundraiser


Organized by e3 Partners

Our Czech Story: I was a child, visiting my Babicka in the city of Prague when the Russian tanks rolled into town. It was this event that would lead my parents to make the very difficult decision to uproot their young family and seek asylum. Many months and two refugee camps later, we relocated in NYC, three children and no English. Two generations of Communism have left Czech Republic the most atheist country in the world, now an unreached people group, with only .05% believers in Christ. Our personal experience has been that the people, the students in particular, are brilliant, creative, and open to the gospel. Over the last several years, Anne and I have had numerous opportunities to go to Czech Republic and spread the gospel. Our main ministry there is with Word of Life Camp, teaching English, sports, and reaching students with the gospel. In recent years, Word of Life has welcomed those who are displaced due to the war in Ukraine. 

Our Melbourne Story: Here in Melbourne Florida, we work in an area of town that is heavily populated with immigrant kids like I was, from Haiti and Jamaica. University Boxing Club is a ministry. The athletes, who are serious about their craft, come every single day, and so do I. I not only coach them (I am "Coach John"), I also disciple them in the Word. On Thursday nights we provide a meal and a Bible study. This is our primary ministry, making disciples here in Melbourne, and seeing a harvest. Recently we had a baptism at the gym and seven young men came forward, and one mom as well! God is moving, and we are following.

e3 Partners is a global missions agency advancing the Gospel and establishing the Church in over 65 countries.  I belong to a body of over 400 staff and 2,000 national partners sharing his Gospel among the nations. e3's vision is to plant churches within walking distance of every village or neighborhood. They do this through short - term missions trips, connecting North American churches with the needs worldwide.  

Will you join our mission?  Through your financial support, you become a part of everything God does through us.  YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!   Just click the “Donate” button above to get started!  

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Days to Go